Random Day In A Mom's Life


Random Day In A Mom's Life

This is a day in my life during summer break without the kids..I was looking forward for this day..I wanted to get my career life back in track, at least I've been trying. Don't get me wrong..I think being a mom is the hardest, most challenging job yet the only job that I truly admire! 

To give you a glimpse of our life ..we just signed up our youngest in pre-school, 3 days a week. The boys go to running club twice a week, they all go to gymnastic once a week then pallet and guitar classes starting next week, pool every Sat if weather permits and we get books from the Library once a week. 

My morning start at 6:00 am. I brush my teeth..dress up then wake up the kids (to be honest, I don't have a routine, some times I wake up the kids and make them breakfast first, some times I make my self coffee first then wake up everybody..breakfast then I get ready or give them shower first..etc..it all depends!😉)

So I woke up, got ready then woke up the kids, made them breakfast, gave them shower..etc made Kid #2 a breakfast to take with him because..long story..yada yada yada lol

(This photo was from the previous day..but still 😽)

06;58 am Got in the car to drop the kids..my daughter 1st, it was Water Day/Ice Cone but they canceled the water day due to the weather. No worries, we still have enough time 😎😏 so I got this! Changed her so quick from bathing suit to normal clothes then signed up a form for photo release in social media after I asked them if they have any page to follow for updates and stuff, apparently they were waiting for me to ask so they can inform me about it 👏all good, paid for the week..and off we go!

7:30 am Arrived at Boys & Girls Club to drop the boys so they still have half an hour before their running club (Kid #1 has different time than Kid #2)

7:33 am I went grocery shopping in the store right next to the Club..The store that I normally shop at will open at 9 so this was more convenience at the time!

8:22 am I'm back home, unloaded..put up stuff..etc
Made a nice coffee before I start

Unloaded the clean dishes then reloaded the dishwasher and started it

8:35 Start prepping for a healthy soup! I tend to get junky sometimes, especially during busy days! So I have to keep my self on check!

Here is my fav part! washing and cutting..JK 😁


Chop chop 
Chippity chop
Cut off the bottom and cut off the top
What we have left we put in the pot
Chop chop
Chippity chop

My daughter learned this song from her music class called Tuneful Tots..She would sing it all the time that I start to sing it, too! makes cooking more fun LOL

Back to our story-line..
 9:05 to 10:35 am Start cooking, then cutting the rest of the greens (Parsley, Cilantro, Scallions..etc) while cooking the hard veggies that takes longer to cook with chicken broth + home-made bone broth.

 Packing the rest of the veggies and washing the fruits..there are 3 steps for washing fruits/veggies.. 
1- rinse them from any dirt with tap water then 2-Soak them and scrap them if needed in a solution of water and white vinegar then 3- Rinse'em with filtered water. Ta-da! now they are ready to be consumed by humans   

(Now I'm looking at all the photos and seems like I'm having obsession with my fruits and veggies! getting creepy over here! I really need to get our of my kitchen & socialize more 😂 mmmm JK)

10:40 am Add the rest of the veggies/spices to the soup and let it simmer for 10-15 more minutes

10:52 am I'm done with packing up the produce and cleaning up..

(I made a jar ready for quick milk-shake for the next day)

10:55 am unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it again..
(Aren't we blessed to have this magical machine 💖)

As I was feeling blessed while writing this part..I got a phone call, I answered the phone and it was a little kid telling me "Hi mom" I told him, wrong number honey..this is not your mom! try to check the number again..(thinking that my boys at the summer camp and they don't own a cell phone). The kid replied "This is the right number..and he repeated my number which made me feel strange and he was trying to do FaceTime but I stopped him..I told him..call another adult that you know, to get your mom's number..for my surprise he told me his full name which is my son's name! LOL he was my son and he was just using his friends phone..He Face-Timed me and as I was watching him with his best friend playing and showing me his surroundings..that really made my day!! 😍😀 I was really happy to see him and what is he doing at the moment!! Felt like..may be I should really get him a phone 😏 hmmm (he've been begging me for one for a while) lol..I still don't think a 4th grader needs one! But that really made my day for sure!! 

Back to my DAY..

Turning this:
 To This:
BAAAM baby!!

11:00 am Time for mommy to go for a walk..It's a beautiful day!

That's my track..

I don't listen to music..I actually enjoy listening to the birdies instead..relaxes my brain from all the chitter-chatter when the kids around..

Picking the mail on my way back home
(More trash and stuff to shred) 

11:30 am..Back home, making a protein shake:
I'm alone so I'm more motivated LOL

11:36 am Tiding the house, guiding the lost toys and sucks back to where they belong..picking up the random stuff and gathering the laundry..

Making more all purpose cleaner..

💨 Much better: 

(Didn't take photos of the basement and the other rooms to keep some privacy of the house lol..but just to get an idea)

11:50 am
This is how the laundry room looked:

And this is after gathering all the dirty clothes:

(Good stuff..good stuff..for sure I'm enjoying my protein shake!) 

Let's do it!!!

(We use home-made clothes detergent..Don't mind the date, haven't updated it since ever!) 

12:00 Bathrooms..here I come!! 💩

(We have 2 and a half total..I mean can you imagine if you live in one of these houses with 13+ bathrooms and all your kids are boys 😒💩💩💩)

My kids are so good..not only they brush their teeth with toothpaste but the whole sink! 👍 BRAVO!

(I took photos after the actual cleaning/scrabbling, out of respect for my audience 🤮)

1:10 pm More laundry.. 2nd load

1:16 pm Gathering trash to drop off 

(Kept this box for few days for my kids amusement to pretend that they are in Minecraft simulation! tons of fun came out of this box..My turn now 😁😌)

Getting down & dirty..
(This area I swear has to be cleaning a million times a day! ..almost..😒)

1:34 pm Heading to drop off the trash/recycling..etc

At the Garbage Collection Service

1:53 pm Back home

I kept some of the scallions & celery roots to plant them

(I planted a lily last year in this area, too..it grew back during Easter time! That was lovely)  

Here are two other plants belong to my son, a school project we had them for few months now

(This is Cauliflower) 

(I surrounded it with rocks if you can see it! It was a dead stick when my son brought it from school and he didn't know what type of plant it is..Now it's growing really well but can't tell yet what it is!)

On the other hand..

Lots of weeding need to be done!

02:15 pm After my nature observation tour..time for this mommy to take a shower..WOOHOO!! 

(And actually enjoy it with no one to disturb me every 5 sec)

2:40 pm Lunch Time!
(This is too much..I'm being spoiled 😿😅)

2:55 pm Canning the rest of the soup.

(Got 3 full jars out of it..not so bad)

3:15 pm Switching clothes

Folding the 1st load

4:00 pm Placing an online order..kids vitamins..etc

Looking up a bike for my daughter..with no luck! 😒

4:15 Getting hungry already..quick snack before I get the kids:
(At least I'm trying to stay healthy..)

4:20 pm Folding the 2nd load, with the help of my magic wand!

POOF!!! And just like that!

4:38 pm Off to get the kids

Picking up my daughter

Then heading to the boys to pick'em up

5:30 pm Back to our home sweet home..

Now this is what I call a GOOD DAY!

I know it's nothing to mention but all these basic little things that we (moms) have to do on daily basis..adds up and time consuming..The day goes poof and I'm not even done with everything I was supposed to do or even wanted to do! When people tell me..hope you enjoyed your day without the kids..It's not like I was chilling and playing video games! although I do play VG sometimes LOL 😁 but you get my point..So when I say "It was great!" it means that everything went smooth with no trouble..oh all you moms know all the trouble that could happen throughout the day!! (Broken appliance, leaking ceiling, clogged sink/toilet..chasing wasp in the house or cleaning after a random dog that just had a massive diarrhea in your drive way and close to your entrance! ..or burning dinner in the oven coz you can't multitasks anymore.. or even better, the power goes out for hours or days 10 minutes after you started cooking! and the clothes are still in the washing machine! 

It is a "GOOD Day" America.. cause I wasn't running out of time to get stuff done or have a deadline to meet..
It is a Good Day cause I got to enjoy my walk, shower and meal in PEACE!
(I hear my self talking like Denis Leary..😐)

And then for Mr "Kondo" to come and tell me: (This shelf needs to be cleaned)! 😒😂

(JK..he's such a big helper 😘)

Now time to enjoy the rest of the day with my family 💖

(This is what makes it all worth it!)

On my list next to declutter, dust and reorganize..

P.S. I went the next day and bought my daughter a bike..she's been asking for a bike with basket and doll seat, for a while and now with the "Bike Day" during her summer camp it's just about time to get her one. 

Can't wait to see her reaction! 

This girl is ready for her Bike Day! YAY 
